If you're ready to take the next step
and become a Georgetown College Tiger you're in luck!

We've mapped out the entire process for you below.

Step 1:

Visit us
Sign up for a visit.


Step 2:

We know that prepping for college is a lot of work, which is why we make our online application quick, simple, and free!
Apply online.


Step 3:

大一新生:提交官方考试成绩(ACT或SAT) & high school transcript
把你的ACT/SAT成绩和高中成绩单寄给我们,并至少在大三之前完成课程. 我们可以通过羊皮纸、电子邮件或美国邮件接收成绩单. 我们建议你向你的高中指导顾问或考试网站索取这些项目.

请让您以前就读的学院或大学将您的成绩单寄给我们. Typically these can be requested online. We must receive these directly from the institution 为了让它们被视为正式的成绩单.


Step 4:

Complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
Why should you fill out the FAFSA? 因为大多数学生都有资格获得某种形式的联邦援助! You don’t want to miss out on potential grants, scholarships, work-study options, and/or low-interest rate federal student loans, do you? 请务必将GC添加为接收FAFSA -的学校 our school code is 001964.

  • You can fill out the FAFSA as early as October 1 at
  • 许多补助金都是先到先得,所以不要等待!
  • 你可能会被联邦政府选中进行验证(大约三分之一的学生被选中进行验证)。. But no need to worry, 我们的招生和财务规划办公室将引导您完成这个过程.


Step 5:

Receive your Financial Aid award letter
在您提交FAFSA后,您将收到GC的经济援助奖励信. This letter will detail your financial aid package. Depending on your FAFSA information, 这个一揽子计划可以是来自多个来源的不同类型的经济援助的组合. After you receive and review the award letter, 您将被要求返回一份签名的信件副本,表明您是否接受或拒绝每个经济资助来源.


Step 6:

If and when you are ready to commit and enroll at GC, then it’s time to submit your enrollment deposit!
您可以通过您的GC状态页面(您提交入学申请的地方)在线提交200美元的入学保证金,或者您可以将支票(以赌博导航所有网站大全学院为抬头)邮寄到400 E的招生办公室. College St. Georgetown, KY 40324.


Step 7:

Complete your class preference questionnaire (CPQ) & submit your housing application

  • 你的班级偏好问卷和住房申请将帮助我们更好地了解你! 这些表格有助于确定你最适合的课程和校园住宿,以便你在GC茁壮成长!  

  • 在您提交入学保证金24小时后, 您应该可以在您的GC状态页面上访问这些表单.


Step 8:

这是所有新生的入学要求. 在PAWS,您将收到您的学生证,课表,学院电子邮件地址等! You can sign-up for PAWS on your GC Status Page. 从4月开始有几个日期可供选择.


Step 9:

Move-In Day

  • 您将从我们的第一年项目协调员那里收到有关当天的具体信息. 但你可以肯定的是,搬家日是我们一年中最喜欢的日子之一! When you pull your car up to the residence hall, 几个志愿者学生和工作人员会等着把东西搬到你的房间!
  • Once you get settled in your room, 整个周末有很多活动为你计划,因为你过渡到赌博导航所有网站大全老虎的生活. We can’t wait to welcome you!


Step 10:

Congratulation, You are a TIGER!

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